353 ÷ 1291 kW

Modular free-cooling chillers for large systems. Wide range: high efficiency multiple combinations and low noise versions. Selectable independent free-cooling module.Configurations
HE: high efficiency versionSLN: super low noise version
/LN: low noise unit
/DS: execution with desuperheater
/DC: execution with recovery condenser
Configurable free-cooling section: Basic, Custom, Extra
- 3 free-cooling configurations available
- Chiller with low refrigerant charge
- Operating in a wide range of external ambient conditions
- Night Shift function for noise control (option)
- Dual power supply with automatic switching and Fast restart function (options)
- BlueThink advanced control with integrated web server. Multilogic function and Blueye® supervision system. (options)
- Flowzer: inverter driven pumps (options)