30 ÷ 240 kW

Chillers and reversible units with hermetic scroll compressors and plate heat exchanger. Extended range, versatile applications.Configurations
Standard: chiller version
HP: reversible heat pump version
Hi: chiller version with inverter compressor
Hi HP: reversible heat pump version, with inverter
/LN: silenced unit
/SLN: super low noise version
/HWT: High water temperature on user side
/DS: execution featuring a desuperheater
/DC: execution with recovery condenser
- Compliance with Ecodesign Reg. 2281 tier 2
- High efficiency and compact dimensions
- High outlet water temperature: up to 60 ° C
- Low refrigerant charge
- Advanced BlueThink control with integrated web server.
- Multilogic function and Blueye® supervision system. (Options)
- Flowzer - inverter driven pumps (otional)